On July 11th, Kate and I held a Graduation for 11 students who completed a project and learned the basics of a sewing machine in Session 1 of the MK Blanket Wraps Sewing Class! The graduation/celebration was held at DRMM Genesis House where we provided lunch for everyone in the shelter (in the same room we teach our sewing class). Kate and I decided on holding the graduation at the shelter instead of a separate building (like we did last year) because more friends and family were able to attend as transportation was not an issue.
Each of our students, including kids, received a certificate and were cheered on by everyone. They also each got the opportunity to showcase what they made during the six classes which included backpacks, makeup carriers, purses, pillowcases, draw string bags and pajama shorts. Their friends and family were very impressed by their creativity and we heard a lot of “Wow, you made that?!”, especially with the pajama shorts.

After the ceremony, everyone enjoyed lunch which consisted of sandwiches, fruit, chips, and cupcakes donated by Meijer, Gordon Food Service, and Kroger (THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROUS DONATIONS!). We invited the entire shelter to join us for lunch. It was nice getting to know people who were not in our class and we even had people express that after seeing all the projects they wanted to join Session 2!

Our Session 2 Sewing Class will begin Tuesday, July 30 and we are looking forward to a new group of students! Kate and I were informed that because of the 90-day shelter rotation, there will be a lot of new people at Genesis House. There were also some women who joined us on on the last class of Session 1 and they are excited to come back for Session 2 to really solidify their sewing skills. Session 2 will be a repeat of Session 1 with the pillowcases, makeup carriers, and pajama shorts (unless they have something they really want to make).
Check back on our Instagram and Facebook to see photos starting July 30th!